Psalm 23
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Salm 72 v. 18
Psalm 72 v.18
Salm 23 v.1-2
Salm 72 v. 18-19
Psalm 130 v. 1-6
Salm 16 v. 5-7
Secret Prayer
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
The Spirit of God
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Salve, Regina
Kyrie (Aifreann Naomh Peadar)
Sanctus (Aifreann Naomh Peadar)
Agnus Dei (Aifreann Naomh Blathan)
A Bhan-Rìghinn Nan Eilean
Wind of Healing
Lord Jesus is our Shepherd True
An Neamhnaid Luachmhor
Title tbc
Graidhich Mi
O Son of the Wondrous Vision
O Son of Man!
Psalm 34 v.1-7
Psalm 27 v. 1-3
Psalm 84 v. 1-9
Psalm 46 v. 1-3
Psalm 23 v.1-3
S e Dia Mo Bhuachaill
Spioraid Naoimh Dhè
S Muladach Bochd
Amazing Grace
Do Dhia Biodh a' Ghlòir!
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
Cuireadh Gu Crìosda
A' Bheart
Seo Cuan Gràidh thar Meud na Mara
O Cia Caomh ar Caraid Ìosa
Thig, a Dhè nan Uile Bheannachd
Salm 23 v.1-2 (Gaelic)
Bho Fhuair Mi Ort Eòlas, A Shlànaigheir Chaoimh
Salm 23 v. 1-2
Psalm 23 v.1-2
Psalm 40 v.1-2
Psalm 16 v.1-2; 7-11
I want to walk with Jesus Christ
Psalm 116 v. 1-19
Sibhse tha Mach a Chrìosd
Làmh a Bhuachaill
A Little Talk to Jesus
Psalm 107 Verse 21
He Gave His Life in Selfless Love
Psalm 40 v. 1-5
Psalm 16 v.6-11
Psalm 104 v 10-15
Psalm 45 v. 10-15
Psalm 63 v.1-5
Psalm 40 v. 1-4
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Slow Air
Psalm 119 v.89
Psalm 100
Sing to the Lord
Psalm 67 v.1-4
Psalm 134 v.1-3
Psalm 51 v.104
Salm 149 v.1-3
Salm 32 v.1-2
Salm 119 v. 142 - 144
Salm 149 verses 4 -5
Salm 118 v. 15
Salm 118 v. 24-25
Salm 67 v.1-2
Salm 65 v.1
Salm 116 v. 13-14
Salm 84 v. 11
Salm 100 v.1-2
Salm 106 v.1-2
Salm 113 v. 1-2
Salm 103 v. 1-2
Salm 46 v. 1-2
Caraid is Dluthaidh na Brathair
Salm 23 v. 1-3
Bàs is Fàs a’ Ghràinne Chruithneachd
O ’S e Ìosa Fear Mo Ghràidh
Marbh-Rann do Ishbel NicLeòid
Iasgairean Ghalile
Togail Curs Air Leodhas
Tionndaidh am Bàt
A Bewildered Believer
M' Fhear Saoiridh
The Iolaire (Goodbye Daddy)
The Way (New Horizon)
Ye Servants of God
Lion and the Lamb
In the Name of Jesus
O Church Arise
I Came Upon a Midnight Clear
Once in Royal David's City
Leanabh an Àigh
Beast of the Bird??
Angelus ad Virginem
Away in a Manger
O Come all Ye Faithful
Mary's Boy Child
Sing Hallelujah to the Lord
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Ding Dong Merrily on High
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Psalm 46 v. 1-7
Psalm 46 v. 8-11
Psalm tbc. v. 3-8
Revive Thy Work, O Lord
Be Thou My Vision
Leugh a Ruigadar v. 1
Ron Aifrinn
Gospel Acclamation
Aig an Sanctus
Aig Àm na Comainne
A Mhoire Mhin-Gheal
Do Làmh, A Chrìosda
Taladh Chrìosda
A Rìgh nan Ainglean
Bha Sneachda na Chuibhrig
A Rìgh nan Righrean
Gloir do Dhia
Salm 24
Salm 81 v. 8-10
Salm 51 v. 9-11
Salm 44 v. 20-21
Salm 28 v. 1-2
Salm 146 v. 5-7
Salm 126 v. 5-6
Salm 45 v. 7-8
Salm 146 v. 8-10
Salm 34 v. 1-2
Salm 116 v. 1-2
Siud an Gràdh air an Seinn Mi
Salm 72 v. 17-19
Salm 99 v. 2-5
Salm 96 v. 4-6
Salm 34 v. 15-17
Psalm (no. unknown)
Psalm 31 v. 7-10
Psalm 73 v. 23-28
Salm 126 v. 7-9 [?]
Aig an t-Soisgeul
O Iosa, Bi’n Comhaidh Air M’Aire Gach Uair
Aig an T-Soisgeul
Aig an Tairgse
S E'n Tighearna Fhèin Mo Chiobair
Salm 23
A Thighearna Dean Mise
A Mhoire Mhìn-Gheal
Sìn Do Làmh A Mhoire
Do Làmh, a Chrìosda
Thig a Thighearna
Slighe na Croise
Seall Thall Tighinn Bhon Ear
A Rìgh Nan Ainglean
Eiridh Bileag Ùr-Ghorm
Laoidh an Iasgair
A Bhàn-Righinn Nan Eilean
Sheas A' Mhàthair
A Thighearna 'n Taoilseach Criochan Uan
Reul Alainn A' Chuain
Seinnibh don Tighearna
We Are Yours
This is my Body
Confitemini Domino
Fàilte Dhut, A Mhoire, Fàilt'
O Iosa, Bi'n Còmhnaidh Air M'Aire Gach Uair
Holy Virgin
Adeste, Fideles
Sung prayer/response
Aig an Sanctus preceded by sung prayer/response
O Iosa, Bi'n Comhaidh Air M'Aire Gach Uair
Kyrie (Aifreann Naomh Blathan)
Reul Àlainn A' Chuain
All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God
Preface of the Mass
Consecration of the Mass
Agnus Dei ((Latin Mass)
The Lord's My Shepherd
Gu Seinn Mi Laoidh Do Mhoire
Psalm 80 v. 1-9
Psalm 80 v 14-19
Salm (verses unknown)
Salm 118 v. 17-21
Salm 118. v.26-27
Sing thee our God [?]
Tha mo Chridhe Làn de Bhuidheachas
Come Down O Love Divine
To God be the Glory
Mass of Christ our Saviour
Final Commendation
Sin Do Làmh, A Mhoire
O Ìosa, Bi'n Còmhaidh Air M'Aire Gach Uair
Salm 97
Salm 117
Salm 18
Salm 83
Gràdh Dhè
Salm 36 v.5
Man of Sorrows
Psalm 139, Verse 1
SHADES 01-03 Nimmo
SHADES 04-05 MacLeod
SHADES 06-09 Coghill
SHADES 10-13 Sinowitz
SHADES 14-20 Nimmo
SHADES 21-25 MacDonald
SHADES 27-27 MacKinnon
SHADES 28-30 McNichol
SHADES 31-35 Fraser
SHADES 36-39 Murray
SHADES 40 Martin
SHADES 41-44 Kilmuir
SHADES 45-48 MacDonald
SHADES 49-51 Munro
SHADES 52 MacDonald
SHADES 53-55 Gillies
SHADES 56-59 Kyle
SHADES 60-63 Broadford
SHADES 64-66 MacLeod
SHADES 67-74 Cameron
SHADES 75-78 Rankin
SHADES 79-83 Matheson
SHADES 84-87 Broadford CoS
SHADES 88-97 MacKinnon
SHADES 98-101 MacAulay
SHADES 102-105 MacKinnon
SHADES 110-111 MacInnes
SHADES 112 MacInnes
SHADES 113-115 MacLeod
SHADES 116-120 Morrison
SHADES 121-126 Kyleakin CoS
SHADES 127-139 Broadford CoS
SHADES 140-143 Kilmore
SHADES 144-146 Hutson
SHADES 147-151 Kilmuir
SHADES 152 Garbutt
SHADES 153-168 Craigston
SHADES 169-176 Kilmuir
SHADES 177-178 Garbutt
SHADES 179-182 MacKillop
SHADES 183-185 Leverburgh
SHADES 186-189 RPC Stornoway
SHADES 190-191 MacIntyre
SHADES 192-210 Burgess
SHADES 211-216 Crichton
SHADES 217-223 Bornish
SHADES 224-231 Campbell
SHADES 232-240 Eriskay
SHADES 241-245 MacDonald
SHADES 246-252 P MacDonald
SHADES 253 Crichton
SHADES 254-262 Garrynamonie
SHADES 263-271 St Michael's Eriskay
SHADES 272 MacKinnon
SHADES 273-276 MacLean:Morrison
SHADES 277-280 Kilmore
SHADES 281-284 Staffin
SHADES 285-287 Stornoway
Psalter in Meter
The Free Church of Scotland: The Scottish Psalmody
Psalms of David
The Hymnal
Let’s Sing Together
Songs of Prayer and Praise
The Christian's Yule or a Collection of Prayers for All Times and Situations of the Christian's Life
Songs and Hymns by Hurdo MacLeod (The Lewis Bard)
Poetry from Scalpay
Heroes of Song
An Laoidheadair
Sweetess of the Hymns: The Great War of Europe
The Precious Gem
Lewis & Harris Published hymnbooks Home
Skye & Lochalsh church interior
Lewis & Harris church interior
South Uist & Eriskay church interior
Gaelic Hymn Book
Poetry by Rev Murdo Smith (1878-1936)
Sgire a Bhradain
Spiritual Hymns
Songs of Victory
A’ Chruit Oir
Skye & Lochalsh home published books
The Cradle, The Cross and the Crown.
The Hidden Words
South Uist & Eriskay home published hymnbooks
Ancient Irish Bible
Carmina Gadelica
Island of Youth
Lewis & Harris Personal hymnbooks
Turn the boat
In Praise of Ness
Hand of the Shepherd
You who are Out from Christ
The Love of God
My Saviour
The Precious Jewel
Skye & Lochalsh Personal hymnbooks
Calm, comfort, consolation
Nozamo - The Place of Effort
South Uist & Eriskay Personal hymnbooks
Psalm 18
Psalm 83
Psalm 130 v. 1-3
Thid pila clò bàs Thu [??}
Theid pilead co bàs thu [??}
Reul Alainn a’ Chuain
Lewis, Harris and North Uist Videos
An Invitation to Christ
Lewis, Harris and North Uist Home Videos
South Uist Church Videos
South Uist Home Videos
Skye and Lochalsh Church Videos
Kyle unknown
Skye and Lochalsh Home Videos
Gaelic psalm singing_ why the ancient tradition is in danger of disappearing
Lewis and Skye church interiors - Gaelic Psalm Singing
South Uist church interior - article WHFP